Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Monday, February 27, 2012

Gone Fishing

It's that time again! Time for the annual Towne Lake Trout Derby!
There were quite a few people this year.
Hana was super excited to catch, clean and eat "trout fish," as she calls them.
Yes, you read right. She was excited to help clean the fish! (Who is this kid?)
This guy here was a big hit.
The crowd quickly became insane. Can you see all the people? It was literally shoulder to shoulder. Hana was fishing with a bobber and let's just say the trout fish were not interested. The grown ups bottom fishing were catching them all, which we thought was against the rules.
Supposedly this specific area we were at was for ages 5 and under only and only kids 16 and under could fish until noon. After that anyone could. They didn't follow the rules. There were so many adults all around us catching fish left and right.
Hana was very patient for a while, but slowly lost interest. Playing in the water with a stick was more appealing than sitting and waiting, and waiting, and waiting. (She is my daughter!)
But at least she looked super cute sporting her bobber necklace!
After at least a dozen or so tangled and cut lines, we gave up out of frustration and left. As I said, Hana had already lost interest anyway. There were SO MANY people casting here and there and everywhere! It was insane and insanely frustrating, but it was fun!


Anonymous said...

People still don't know how to act at any event.It's sad folks don't think about that person standing next to them.Anyway,it isn't always about catching the most but about the welling.

Anonymous said...

At least you were all together! And you did have a grear family time! That trout fish will come Gracie Girl, just try to be patient!

Anonymous said...

Ya you know what I would say about someone throwing into my fishing line, that is just wrong fishing etiquette, and they no this. Either way I am so glad you have a good time, and you looked cute too.

Anonymous said...

You know what I would have thought about someone throwing into my fishing line? I know its wrong to say and think, but anyone who knows how to fish, knows fishing etiquette.
Either way I am so glad you had a good time at least for a little while. FISH ON!!!!!!