Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Gone Fishing: 2nd Attempt

She caught a bunch of leaves and a big branch.
But it was very cold and very windy.
We didn't last an hour. No trout fish for us this weekend!


Anonymous said...

Drive on,keep fishin',don't stop,change your mood,hold your mouth right,change bait,look up trout on your computer,eat chips while fishin',relax,don't stare at your cork,do the " Gone fishin' indian dance",Go right now no one is there,go get your mommy and take her by the hand and say lets go fishin',anyway it isn't how many fish you catch but the wellingrmairebr bodae

Anonymous said...

What is that last word? Chief Sitting Bull would say those words before he went fishin' quote"Bite that hook you *&%#!+><# ing fish".

Anonymous said...

Gotta love you some Geegaw! Fish-on!

Anonymous said...

Its almost time, I can't wait to go fishing either, you look like you had a great time. Sorry it was to crowded, but no worries you will catch the big one next time. I need you to come with me, Shirshank, Lisa and Rachelle, we need someone to catch our bait, or shoot just catch some catfish for us. Fish-on!!