Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I hope you all have had a Valentine's Day full of love! I thought I would share with you the awesome Valentines Hana and I made for the family. (Hopefully you've all received them by now!) I got the idea guessed it...Pinterest!

Choose 2 colors of paint and help your child make hand prints on heavy paper.
Cut a heart that is just a bit larger than the hand prints, so that it will go around the outside of them. (I drew a heart on thin printer paper so that I could see through it to be sure it was larger than the hand prints and then cut it out. It was by no means perfect.)
Lay the heart on top of the handprints.
Use the heart as a guide to write around the edge of the hand prints in the shape of a heart.
Be creative with what you write and personalize each one. I don't mean to brag, but I'm pleased as punch with the way they turned out. I hope the family liked theirs!


Anonymous said...

loved ours and it earned a place on the fridge!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gwwgaw and Ninny loved ours, too! We will cherich it forever! Thank you Hana, and mommy!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the mis-spellings! Too early in the morning, not awake good! :-)

JennEllen said...

Loved mine! It's on the fridge now. So adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the others, I love it so much, and like everyone else, it made the refrigerator. Or it will, as soon as I can remove some of the other student around.Thank you Hana, and Mommy.

Happy Mommy said...

Glad everyone liked theirs! ;-)