Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Monday, December 13, 2010

Saving Baby Elephants

On our way back from the park last week we encountered several baby elephants falling out of trees, so our mission was to save them all and deliver them safely back to their mommies.

Can you believe all these poor baby elephants are falling out of the trees?

It's a good thing Hana was there to save them!

Here she is posing with one baby elephant after she saved it.

And here's another!

Even though they were so small they fit in the palm of her hand, I had no idea how we would carry them all back to their mommies, but Hana had a plan.
We delivered them all safely to their homes all over the neighborhood. Their mommies were so happy to have them back home!


Anonymous said...

Hana Grace remembered what I said.Why do elephants paint thier toes nails red ? So they can hide in apple trees.Soooo,why do they paint thier toe nails green.Right, so they can hide in oak trees.What is that gooy stuff between thier toes ? Slow natives.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad they were baby elephants, and not teenagers! The teenagers might not have wanted to go back home! Are is that only in the zone?