Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Little Q & A With Joe

Question: Whatcha doin' there, Crazy Legs?

Answer: Winning a dance competition at his Corporate Christmas Party!

(He won some other things too.)

Way to go, Joe!

You continue to amaze me and make me proud!


Anonymous said...

We are very proud of the son you gave us! What a successful young man! Keep up the fantastic job you are doing Joseph Massey, aka Crazy Legs!
Love, mom and dad

Unknown said...

Wow, Joe got a blank certificate of some kind that glows in the dark!

Anonymous said...

No Josh that's white out on the certificate.When he got home he filled in the blanks.Glade his gun didn't fall out of his pocket while he was dancing.That makes me think,maybe a holster would be nice,concealed holster for a semi auto .45. Anyone out there get it.Proud of you son. Your father-in law in crime. Jack Focker