Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Great State Fair of Texas: RIDES!

We started off small.

But the further we got into the kids' midway, the better the rides got.

Daddy got to ride the roller coaster with Hana.
(I steered clear of all rides due to the baby on board.)
She got to ride this one all by herself...and she loved every second of it!

Uncle Josh and Aunt Angela rode this. It was called Vertigo, and it gave me vertigo just looking at it.

Aunt Angela got to fly with Hana.

Uncle Josh got to ride the roller coaster with Hana.

And so did Angela. Obviously the roller coaster was a favorite.
She even got to ride the ferris wheel right before we left!
But none of those rides compare to a ride on Daddy's shoulders.
There are videos still to come. As usual, I'm having difficulties getting them to load.


Anonymous said...

All the pictures are great with everyone, however, I have to say that the ride on Daddy's shoulders has to be the best....Such a great picture...Thank you Josh, you are such a great photographer...I can only imagine what kind of pictures we would have gotten if Jenn would have been with you all...

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, but no maroon!
chigger-rigger-rum? ka-nick,