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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Great State Fair of Texas: The Food

Frozen pickle juice.

Chicken Fried Bacon.

Turkey Leg.
I had the fried caramel, which was disappointing. It was shaped like a small corny dog and the caramel dripped out of the bottom. I also had the fried guacamole, which was just a bad idea altogether. I'll spare you the details, but just know that I found myself in the bathroom partaking in one of my new pregnant past times. Angela was on a mission to at least taste what she could as far as the famous fried items were concerned. I was on board until the fried guacamole incident. I don't know that I ate anything else for the remainder of the day. Bleh! I think they should sell a plate with just a taste of each of the fried items on it because everyone wants to try them but most of them are disgusting so you end up wasting 10-12 tickets.
So the rest of the group enjoyed a fried banana which I think they all liked alright. Angela had the fried Snickers and she was very disappointed in it, probably because she and I waited in line for half an hour for it. That was the one thing I was most excited about trying and after the greasy fried guac, I just couldn't muster up the courage to even taste it! Of course the world famous State Fair of Texas corny dog seemed to be the favorite, but everyone also really seemed to enjoy the bacon ( I didn't have either). Hana loved her frozen pickle juice and Joe fell into a mild coma after devouring his turkey leg. I think the overall consensus was: not everything is meant to be deep fried.


Anonymous said...

Joe, how about deep fried Black Eyed Peas for the cook-off next year?

Anonymous said...

Well,I quess that's what you do at the State Fair.