Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Friday, March 30, 2012

Just For Me

Earlier Hana wanted a sucker. We were about to leave so I told her we could bring one for her to have at the store. She asked to have a small one now and a big one at the store. Nope. Not going to happen. I let her have an average-size sucker before we left, none at the store. Now it is several hours later and I've sent her to her room for rest time, since she doesn't nap anymore, yet desperately needs to. But if she did, then she wouldn't fall asleep tonight until about 11. That's why the naps have been nixed, as most parents understand.

For some reason she is convinced that rest time is something I created out of the sole interest of torturing her. I explain ad nauseam that it is not a punishment, but since a giant meltdown is usually what reminds me that rest time is upon is, I can see how she would feel that way. I always tell her that she is misbehaving because she is tired. Rest time will cure that and save her from getting into trouble any further.

Anyhow, I sent her upstairs to rest and after a couple minutes she was standing next to me saying, "Momma, I have something to tell you that is going to make you really happy. Remember the little pink sucker you really wanted me to have earlier? I've decided I'll eat it now just to make you happy." I had to applaud her for her efforts but she was sent back upstairs sucker free.


Anonymous said...

It's just so hard being a kid. Why can't parents understand that? ;-)

Anonymous said...

You work her well Gracie Girl!Is she really only four?