Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Great State Fair of Texas: The Pig Races

Enjoying a Push Pop snack to get the energy level up before the races began.

It was late, her nap had been skipped and she was E-X-H-A-U-S-T-E-D.

The pigs had funny names like Lindsey Loham, Squeely Nelson, Jean Claude Van Ham, Sylvester get the idea. We were seated in section 2, making the pig wearing the #2 the one we were rooting for. Two of our pigs won and another came in second!
We really enjoyed the races. Hana enjoyed it as well, I just think she was a little too worn out to really get into it!


Anonymous said...

That is two funny, going going goin, gone...hahahah but she did it...hung in there with the adults...good job Hana.

Anonymous said...

BHH,,,,the pictures were great! Hurrah to the photographer!