Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I haven't forgotten about you...we're just busy, busy, busy. I have lots to share once I find the time, but the time is not now. We're about to shuffle out the door to tumbling, then we have some things to pick up at Target. Maybe I'll find time to blog a little while Hana naps, although I have fallen WAY behind on laundry and cleaning this week, so that might take priority. I don't think I even have any pictures to share right now. I've been slacking. I'll get back on top of it soon, though. You are looming over my head! I'll leave you with this tidbit...

Hana was out back playing with her bubbles and I told her it was time to come in. "No, Momma! I'm having too much fun playing with liquid," she said. Liquid? LOL!

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