Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Friday, September 24, 2010

Mr. Guthrie

Mr. Guthrie is here visiting us for a few days. Hana loves him, to put it mildly. Like most dogs, Mr. Guthrie isn't interested in eating much while away from his home, but Hana has found a solution to that. She just feeds him by hand! Well, that and she knows where his treats are. I've caught her slipping him treats here and there. She also likes to give him bubbles (or as Hana calls them liquid) to drink. It took me a little while to catch on to that one. I just couldn't figure out why he kept spitting up clear, bubbly stuff. Poor Mr. Guthrie. No worries, they're harmless. Lord knows Hana's sipped her fair share! Hana also likes to call him Guth. Or maybe it's Guff. Whatever it is, it's cute and when she yells it he comes running. She spends half of the day pretending to be a dog by wearing his collar,

walking on her hands and knees and laying in the grass.

She's been caught a couple times on all four with her head in his food bowl. "Don't eat his food!" I'll exclaim and she responds, "I'm not, momma! I'm just pretendin'!" She spends the other half of the day chasing him outside until he's scratching at the back door begging to come in. Upon my letting him in Hana says, "He wants to come back outside, Momma!" Poor Mr. Guthrie. She spends the other half of the day (What's that? I'm at three halves of a day? These days, it feels like there are three halves in a day...but more on that another time) walking beside him while leaning on him as he licks her wherever his frothy tongue can reach. Then she wipes the froth on anything and everything. Hana sure enjoys his company. I'll admit, there's a flicker somewhere deep down inside of me when I see how happy they make each other. But for now, that flicker will remain only a flicker. There are no dogs in the near future of this household. We have plenty family dogs to play with and even a wonderful, furry little kitty cat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hana can play with Mr. Guthrie anytime! I'm sure he will sleep for a solid week when he arrives home, and hopefully he will eat normally. I apologize for all the hair!
I miss my puppy, I think I hear his tags jigling an his collar right now, oops it might be Hana Grace!
See all of you in the morning!
The brisket smells awfully good right now!
Love, neeny xxooxoxoxxxoo