Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Breaking News

Sorry I haven't blogged much lately. We've been really busy and I haven't been feeling myself because...

That's right! Hana's going to be a big sister! I go for my first check up tomorrow, but I believe I'm about 7 weeks along. This present

was actually a wrapped up *positive* pregnancy test I gave Joe when he got home from work a couple Thursdays ago. It wasn't a huge surprise. This was a planned pregnancy and I felt pregnant way before I tested positive. So far I've had just about every symptom in the book, including morning sickness, which in my case is actually afternoon, evening and night sickness. We just told Hana last night by giving her a little gift. It was a shirt that says "I'm going to be a big sister." She is very excited and even talked to the baby in my tummy, asking it how it crawled in there. She now says she has a baby in her tummy too!


Anonymous said...

Wow Hana you are going to be a really good big sister, I am a big sister too. Its fun to be a big sister. and miss you angelface.

Anonymous said...

We are so very excited and cannot wait for the new arrival! Hana will be a great help! She is going to be so proud!
Love to all of you inside and out! Neeny xxooxoxoxooxxo