Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Guess Who's Back!

I was lying here in silence waiting for the kids to wake up & thought to myself, "I wonder if Blogger has an app?" Guess what, they do! My blogging problems are solved! I'm going to play around with blogging from my phone & see how it goes. Who's excited? This girl!!! (And hopefully y'all too...) 
It's super easy to post pictures, like this one of Hana in her new leotard. Apparently it's THE leo to have, as she was 1of 5 girls wearing it at practice yesterday. Now let's try a video
It doesn't look like I can add videos from my phone, only pictures. How do you like this one of Liam playing? He's such a happy boy. I've been missing my blog, it was always therapeutic for me, so I'm going to give this another go. Over a year has passed since my last post, so I'm not even going to try to play catch up. I'm just going to start with my current life. Most everyone who will read this knows me anyway, so you all should be pretty caught up. 

Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank YOU sooooo much for giving it another go!!! I have had withdrawals since May!!
xxxOOOXXOX Ninny