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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Moderating Comments

An "unknown" commenter (Big O?) left a comment that all their comments need to be moderated. I just wanted to explain why that is. Once a post is more than a few days old, I have it set so that I have to approve the comment before its posted for all to see. Believe it or not, I get quite a bit of spam on older posts. For instance, I don't want someone to leave a comment about selling Viagara on my blog all about Hana. That's just creepy. So, please, comment away & if you comment on an older post, it will be moderated as soon as I check my email, which is frequently.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Big O.He and Ange will head to Dallas next Thu or Fri.It'll be good to see 'em. Big Os, Big D (dad)