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Saturday, March 31, 2012

To Cheer Or Not To Cheer

You know how I signed Hana up for cheerleading? Guess who her coach is going to be. Apparently there were lots of other girls signing up and only one coach, so they needed volunteers. Out of the other 22 moms, no one volunteered. When asked if any of them had any cheer experience, all 22 of them answered 'no' in unison. Really? Out of all those moms I'm the only one who has cheered before? I find that hard to believe. Another thing I find hard to believe is that out of all those moms, I was the only one who felt bad enough for the coach-less girls to volunteer!

This is really, really out of my comfort zone. Don't get me wrong, I love cheering for sports. I was possibly the loudest mom on the sidelines at Hana's soccer games last year, and when she wasn't playing I made sure she was watching the game and cheering on her teammates. So, yeah, maybe it's in my blood. It's my nature to be loud, that's for sure. But being in charge of practices and organizing them at the game? Yikes! I love kids, but dealing with kids I don't know tends to stress me out. All that aside, I am getting excited. I've got a brain full of ideas. I have a meeting Sunday, practice with the other coach Monday and the next week I'm on my own...Stay tuned! (They are only 3 and 4 year-olds, so it's not like I'm coaching them to Nationals or anything. I can do this!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know you can do this, and have lots of fun with those little cheerleaders while doing it! Hana will have a blast, and be so proud of you. You can get plenty of ideas from the show "Dance Moms!" Abby is an instructor you DO NOT want to be like! LOL! Keep me posted, and I am here if you need support! MORE!