Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 23, 2012

She said, "Momma, I have something very sad to show you..."

Now that my heart was pounding and my brain was racing, I couldn't get to her fast enough to see what this sad thing was she had to show me!

Notice anything?
How 'bout now?
Oh no! What do we do?!
I honestly did not think it would work.
Not this good anyway!

We shared some laughs and then we had the talk, you know this one:
"You know how I'm always telling you to put your gum back in your mouth? This is why. We laughed about it this time, but I don't want you to be confused. Next time I might not be so jolly about rubbing peanut butter in your hair. Accidents do happen, but let's try really hard not to repeat this one, alright?"


Anonymous said...

YOU are the absolute best mommy in the whole wide world!

Anonymous said...

Oh! I thought she had rotated the tires on the Van