Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

And The Countdown Begins

For some reason I remembered an old episode of Full House the other day where they were counting down to Michelle's birthday. Silly, I know. I have no idea why random things like this pop into my head. I remembered how they hung numbers on the edge of the counter and every morning she would come down and tear one off, bringing her closer to the day. At one point she tore them all off hoping it would make everyone think it was her already her birthday. That sneaky Michelle! (LOL!) This post just keeps getting dorkier.
But I digress.
Anyhow, that's how I got this idea:
It was confusing to Joe, so last night I had to explain:
"Every day she will remove a number bringing her closer to her birthday. We are starting it tomorrow (Wednesday). So she will remove the 8 in the morning and so on. When she gets down to the 1, the next day is Thanksgiving Day, her birthday, thus the cupcake with two candles. The day after that is Friday (1 day before her party) and then Saturday is her birthday party, so I used a present to represent that day."
I guess I over-complicated it? I tend to do that.


Anonymous said...

Only my precious daughter could think of such a thing!!
I love you baby girl!

Anonymous said...

good idea