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Thursday, October 8, 2009

I Don't Do Sick Well

I really don't do sick well. Yesterday I felt bad enough that I practically laid in bed all day, napping off and on and watching lots of meaningless television, missing my daughter like you would not believe. Today, with little meds in my system, I feel significantly better (which is relative, you see). I know I'm still not well and am possibly still contagious, but I am so antsy I just don't know what to do with myself. Even though I spray everything I touch (with my sanitized hands) with Lysol as well as spraying down the room I was previously in as I exit it, I want to disinfect my entire house like you would not believe. I was due to take my pain reliever/fever reducer at 7 this morning and have yet to do so because I don't feel I need it. I haven't had a fever since last night and that was a very low grade one. The doc said I will no longer be contagious after 24 non-fever hours without the help of meds. The countdown is on. Just a little over 12 hours to go! We'll see. I'm very hopeful! It's funny how you change when you're a parent. If it weren't for my desperate need to hug and smooch on my baby girl, I would happily be numbing my aching body with meds. Unfortunately the pain-relieving meds are also the fever-reducing meds, so I'll tough it out with hopes of being able to snuggle with Hana soon! Wayne is still banned from crawling down the stairs, I'm still wearing a mask, and so far we're looking good. (Knock on wood!) If we can pull through this without anyone else getting sick, my prayers will have been answered. I have felt pretty good all day (once again, it's all relative!), and I just got off the phone with Josh and he says the same exact thing. It's just the achiness, the headache, the weakness and the quick exhaustion that is still hanging around. I am so glad Joe has been able to stay home and help out, I don't know what we we have done if not! We had lots of offers to help, but we just didn't want to expose anyone else to the germs if we didn't have to. I think tomorrow will be yet another day of recovery and maybe I'll get back to normal this weekend. I can assure you this though, I would not have been able to keep up with Hana Grace these past couple days. She's worn me out just listening to her from my bedroom! LOL I think she's worn her Daddy out, too! I think he's ready for our lives to go back to normal. So here's my opinion of H1N1: 1. Tami-flu rocks and 2. The Swine Flu absolutely sucks for about 2 1/2 days, or at least until you can get some Tami-flu in you (as long as you're otherwise healthy). Better go get better. TTYL.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are feeling better!.....and Josh, too! N

Dian said...

Glad to hear you are getting better. I am going to take Nana today to try and get a flu shot at Walmart if they come in, we won't know till 11am, and it is raining like crap here right now. Get better soon,

Anonymous said...

I made you and Josh T-shirts.It reads as follows.I SURVIVED THE 2009 SWINE FLU AND IT DID NOT EFFART MY BRAIN.