Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Mama's Still Got It, Daddy Don't

Joe has done well at work lately, so to celebrate his success we went out for sushi last night and took Victoria along with us. Yes, I know, sushi! I really only eat rolls and most of them only have veggies in them, but I like the Volcano Roll which has shrimp in it and it's topped with raw tuna and roe. I love it - imagine that! It's also smothered in this spicy Tex-Mex tasting sauce, so that probably has something to do with it! LOL Back to the point: we ended up having sake because we had a coupon for $1 a bottle! Woo Hoo! There's nothing like cheap sake - it tastes like hot finger nail polish remover. (The bottles were tiny I might add. The glasses you drink it out of are smaller than a shot glass and each bottle only filled up three of those glasses, so yes, the bottles are very small) That got us going (But not drunk, Mom. Don't worry, we are responsible parents) so we made up our minds that after Hana Grace went to bed we would keep the fun going. Aunt Victoria gave Hana her bath and I put her to bed at her scheduled time of 8:30. Victoria ended up crashing over here so it was a little slumber party. Nothing got out of hand, we do not party like rock stars anymore, but we did have a great time. I woke up fine, as usual, but Joseph is anything but. Let's just say that his breakfast has been flushed down the toilet three times, I think. LOL Mama's still got it, Daddy Don't! (Maybe it had something to do with Daddy drinking beer after the cheap sake) Poor Daddy... :-(

Jenn Ellen should be on her way over with the Rowdster and then she leaves for her cruise tonight. Tomorrow afternoon she'll be sailing the seas! Oh, how I envy her! That's about it, not much else going on today. The Brooms will be over this evening for a play date and Pagan goes to the vet in a bit to have blood work done to see if her thyroid medication is doing it's job. Y'all have a great weekend!

Oil scent of the day: Crorange Crush
To make: Mix 8 drops Cranberry Chutney by Yankee Candle, 8 drops Satsuma by The Body Shop and 4 drops Very Vanilla by The Body Shop
It smells wonderful but, unlike yesterday's, it's not very strong.


Anonymous said...

Hana wasn't sure about the bubbles!
I hope Joe is feeling better, and up to compsny!! Of course mama still has it because she is a female...we are designed that way! We have to keep on doing our job...while the male woos's out!
Love to all, grammy

Anonymous said...

Luvly Ritas' oil scent of the day. two drops of vanilla with four drops ice water. Smells like ice,ice baby. drive on Rita