Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Friday, August 16, 2013


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sneak Peek

Gymnastics pictures were yesterday & let me tell you I cannot wait to get them! I watched Hana's photo shoot & it was priceless. I was able to snap a picture of her in the dressing room to give you a little sneak peek, then I jazzed it up with a couple of my favorite photo apps.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Recipe for a growing boy

I love preparing the healthiest foods to feed my growing boy. It's kind of an obsession. Colorful food 
& plenty of sleep
make Liam a healthy, happy boy.

Saturday, August 10, 2013


My little Gracie girl was playing on the Tonka truck yesterday & took a spill. It wasn't pretty, there was more blood than I cared to see, but she's okay. 
She is now the owner of 4 little stitches.
It's not too noticeable. 
She can't get it wet of do gymnastics for a week. She's less than thrilled about that. Poor girl. Right here at the end of summer. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Boy & His Turtle

He's never without it & gets upset when he drops it or you take it out if his hand. 

My Cheerleader

Liam claps & waves now. Not really on command, more as he pleases. Today at BBC (Baby Boot Camp) he clapped for me as I returned from a jog. 😊

Hana's Wishing Well

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Homemade Donuts

This is what happens when Hana gets hold of the sprinkles. Haha!
We only had flaky layers biscuits, do we made flaky layered donuts.
Now what? We each had approximately one donut & we're done...But making them & tasting them along the way sure was fun!

Friday, August 2, 2013

WARNING! This is gross...

My sweet, beautiful & completely innocent little Liam was pooping while in his high hair after dinner last night. I left him to his business while I cleaned the kitchen. Looked over, noticed him sucking & chewing on the strap, thought nothing. Saw it again & thought " there baby food on it? No, the food he just ate was orange, not greenish brown!" Need I say more?! I didn't know where to begin, but the entire time I just kept saying "Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh." Thank goodness mom was here to help out. My brain completely shut down. I couldn't process what was happening, let alone how to begin cleaning it. He had painted a mural on his high chair. Maybe both of my kids will be artistic. 😣 Thanks for all your help mom, like telling me what to do every step of the way. LOL